Are you ready for A SCARY STORY! Let’s begin!

Once there lived a king and his six daughters their names are Julia, Narley, Carl, Colien (NOT COLLIN it’s pronounced as K-OLL-EEN), Marla, and Magi!  one day Colien asked king Fifi if she can go to the woods and get some of the magic grapes. King Fifi said, ” ABSOULOTLY NOT YOU KNOW THEY ARE GUARTED WITH KNIGHT ORBS!”

“I know dad but they are really juc…” “I said no means no!” Colien still went and got caught by the Knight Orbs… Colien was put in a cage. when the other 6 girls asked where Colien was, King Fifi was angrier than ever…

King Fifi sent out all his army troops, King Fifi thought they would return, But they didn’t. Then lighting hit the palace when it wasn’t raining and the sun was up bright! Blue gas shot out and the whole palace was gone! luckily everyone survived! That wasn’t the end. The Knight Orb army killed 4 of the kings daughters! Only Julia, Marla, They were not sure if Colien was alive, A month later after the Kings army was gone and 4 of his daughters are gone, the king went to look for his army and Colien, his remaining 2 daughter came with him, but in the middle of their trip. King Fifi turned into dust and got blown out of realty! There was no hope, Julia gave up, Marla tried to tell her that if Colien and the army Were blown out of realty, there would have been no hope for King Fifi, well at least he was king until his palace was destroyed. Julia gave up, but Marla is Fifi’s only daughter that NEVER gives up! On Marla’s journey, she had to survive lava, hurricanes, and other things until she got there! When she got there she got blown out of realty!
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Marla never came back. Julie got worried Her arm is disappearing! She thought,Knight Orbs only blow people out of realty when they are worried!” Julie disappeared. there was only 1 girl left, and that’s Colien! Colien broke out and fought them! Colien doesn’t only not give up, BUT SHE IS NEVER WORRIED! While she was fighting she got worried for the first time in her life! she disappeared! Then a werewolf suddenly popped up and destroyed everything! arrows shot out at the wolf then, the whole battlefield went KABOOM when missiles shot out! Then war started! THE END!


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