Have you ever seen a animal? animals might look scary, but they stay away from humans a s much as possible! Here are some facts about predators and pray.

First, predators hunt their pray for food. They don’t just go to a shop  and buy meat to eat Like humans. They have to risk getting a terrible injury to get food.

Second, animals have a better reason to be afraid of humans then humans to be afraid of them because  humans hunt the animals and some are endanger of getting extinct because of humans!

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Third, what is the most dangerous animal in the world? The first thing that probably came to your head would probably be lions, tigers, or snakes! But the most dangerous animal in the world is…. THE MOSQUITO! They may be small but they carry a virus and when they suck up blood form your body  they spit the virus to you!

Finally, people should be taking care of animals! I would buy a animal from the pet shop and adopt it!

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